Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Globalization and Culture Essay - 1217 Words

Globalization simply defined is the intensification of global interactions. The case studies we have studied depict two of the main types of globalization. Economic Globalization, which is the production, exchange, distribution, and consumption of goods and tangible services, and Cultural Globalization, the exchange of materials and symbols that represent facts, meaning values and beliefs. When Globalization occurs it usually has a major impact on indigenous cultures. Optimists or â€Å"champions† state that the relationship between culture and globalization has positive effects as it creates a balance between nations. Conversely, critics state that relationships between the two have negative effects, leading to the loss or deterioration of a†¦show more content†¦Although being economically advantageous, secondhand clothes has led to the decay of Zambian culture. Hansen states, â€Å"consumption, as the means by which people define themselves and their world.† Therefore the consumption of second hand clothing has led to the loss of identity within the Zambian people. Globalization as led to the spread of monoculture, or mcdonaldization through jeans and t-shirts. Globalization has even had influence on the Zambian Coat of Arms. The Coat of Arms shows a male and a female not wearing Zambian traditional clothing, but western clothing. This shows the extent of influence globalization has on culture. As neutral observers of globalization would say, westerners are supplying and robbing peoples choices. Because salaula is so cheap, Zambians who are living off of close to $2 a day have no choice but to buy and wear cheap donated clothes. It is an economic necessity in Zambia. Although people have the freedom to choose, they do not have the capability to do so. This paradox is one of the main arguments against globalization. The Zambians have several choices within the pile of donated clothes, but in reality there choices are been narrowed do t o their economic constraints. So from an economic standpoint, globalization of second hand clothing has been very advantageous as it allows Zambians to have clothes that they otherwise wouldnt be able to afford. At the same time from a cultural standpoint, it as ledShow MoreRelatedThe Globalization of Culture1139 Words   |  5 PagesThe term â€Å"globalization† has been used more frequently in the late 20th century, and along with it is the ongoing development of trade, urbanization and the sharing of knowledge (Wikipedia). The constant rotation of the source of goods, knowledge, new ideas and the explosion of information technology and mass media has brought cultures into contact with each other. 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